N0AX Sprint Score

Ward Silver hwardsil at wolfenet.com
Sun Sep 8 10:20:45 EDT 1996

N0AX - Watt-Me-Worry Team #1 - Rockcrushers ;-)

80	48 Q's
40     101 Q's (one dupe)
20      69 Q's
Total  217 Q's x 43 Mults = 9331

I don't know what it was, but it seemed like I had "lead fingers" this
time around.  Just couldn't get into that floating state where you have
the next QSO in your sights about halfway through the current one.  This
most apparent on 20, where I should have had another 20 QSO's.  No
equipment trouble a'tall, no noises - I sledgehammered the local offending
power-pole just before contest time - or static, just operator confustion.

I wish the sprints were quarterly so my neural networks would be able to
reinforce those little grooves I keep wearing in them.  As it is, they are
filled in by the gray-matter janitorial staff during the 6-months between
sprints ;-)  I'd tape record it, but it would be too depressing :-(

Huge signals on 40 from the midwest...K4VX was a ton-over-nine (metric).
On 80, K5ZD had the big sig considering the distance, although VX was
still purty strong.

Congrats to everyone who made it over 300 QSOs this time around...also to
NM5M (apparent low-power king) and KC6CNV with great low-power scores.
Thanks to HH2AW for handing out this sprint's surprise multiplier!

73 from the Chief Watt-Me-Worrier
Ward "Ed" N0AX

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