K4VX CW Sprint

David C. Patton mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
Tue Sep 10 10:56:07 EDT 1996

K4VX/0 MO CW Sprint  WX3N opr.

	20M  100 Qs
	40M  134 Qs
	80M   99 Qs
	     333  x 46  = 15318

Worked every mult I heard.

Missed activity from K6LL, WD0T, AA4NC, K4PQL, and any VE3, VE4GV/VV

102 band changes.  I worked two radios from the start.

80M very noisy with Tstorms nearby.  Used the EU beverage the whole

Semi-consciously tried to work 100 Qs per band.  I usually do well
when this happens.  Nearly achieved.

Activity is noticably down.  In the 80s (as others commented to me)
it was possible to make 170 Qs on 40.  Now we are really scraping
when we hit 130 Qs.  Starting on 40 was great this time!  Lots of
activity spread the pile-ups out a bit.  96 first hour followed by
hours of 77, 86, and 74.  

73, Dave, WX3N
mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu

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