WAESSB-1996 PI4TUE score

Aurelio Bellussi aurelio at esrac.ele.tue.nl
Wed Sep 18 13:27:45 EDT 1996

                 DARC WORKED ALL EUROPE CONTEST -- 1996

      Call: PI4TUE                   Country:  Netherlands
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Multi Single

     BAND     QSO   QTC    Cty   Mult

      160       0     0      0      0
       80       3     0      1      4
       40       3     0      3      9
       20      66    10     23     46
       15       5    10      5     10
       10       0     0      0      0

    Totals     77    20     32     69 = 6,693

Operator List: PA3EZL-Aurelio, PA3GFE-Martijn.

Equipment Description:
        TS850SAT, 400W amp., 3 el. 3 band YAGI, wires for 40&80m. All 
        antennas at 250 feet above street level.

Contest remarks:
        Yet another contest that required BIG and HIGH antennas. But even 
        with the biggest antennas you can't beat propagation (we did NOT 
        hear a peep of KC1XX on 15m).

73 de Aurelio PA3EZL-AA2WH

ESRAC - Eindhoven Student Radio Amateur Club
Eindhoven University of Technology              Callsigns:  PI5EHV/PI4TUE
EH 13.19, POBOX 513, 5600 MB  EINDHOVEN, The Netherlands
ax25:  pi5ehv at pi8zaa.#nbo.nld.eu                e-mail:  esrac at ele.tue.nl
Check out our WWW-page:                       http://www.esrac.ele.tue.nl
Do a 'finger esrac at esrac.ele.tue.nl' for more information.

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
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