Glenn D. O'Donnell gdo at aloft.micro.lucent.com
Mon Sep 30 15:14:04 EDT 1996

                    CQ WORLD WIDE RTTY CONTEST -- 1996

      Call: N3BDA                    Category: Single Operator Low Power


      160        0        0     0.00      0       0        0
       80       10       12     1.20      3       2        8
       40       18       40     2.22      7      10        7
       20       69      154     2.23     12      27       15
       15       34       81     2.38     14      16        8
       10        1        3     3.00      1       1        0

     Totals    132      290     2.20     37      56       38   =>  37,990

All reports sent were 599, unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:
        Rig: Icom IC-736 running 100w (I like this rig, but it's not very
           good for a RTTY contest.  RTTY uses LSB and you must use the
           standard 2.7kHz SSB filters; there's no narrower choice.)

        Antennas: 80/40m ........... 80m dipole @ 30 ft.
                  20m .............. Force 12 EF-420 4el @ 68 ft.
                  15m .............. Force 12 EF-415 4el @ 76 ft.
                  10m .............. Force 12 EF-410 4el @ 84 ft.

        RTTY Controller: AEA PK-232MBX

        Logging software:  I fumbled with CT on a second computer
           from my primary computer actually running the terminal
           emulator.  I tallied the score by hand after the contest.
           I better get WF1B for the future!

        Soapbox: I enjoy RTTY contests even though I have a compromise
           station for RTTY contesting (see above).  It was great to work
           two new countries (TY and 5X) in this contest.

Club Affiliation: Frankford Radio Club

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature _________________________________


               Glenn O'Donnell  N3BDA
               55 Bunny Lane
               Palmerton, PA 18071

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com
Sponsored by:             Akorn Access, Inc & KM9P

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