[3830] WE9V WPX SSB - 20M Only

Chad Kurszewski WE9V kurscj at oampc12.csg.mot.com
Tue Apr 1 10:06:10 EST 1997

    Callsign Used : WE9V  (at KS9K)

         Category : SO HP 20M ONLY
            Hours : 31 of 36 allowed

         Team/Club : Society of Midwest Contesters

   BAND      Valid QSOs   Points   Prefixes   

   20SSB        1690       2931      721 

    Final Score = 2,113,251 points.

    Final Score = 2,590,553 points if 1 point per same country
    Final Score = 1,398,087 points if I didn't have the "priviledge"
                            of working those 244 US mults out of 662
                            US QSOs.

FT-1000MP, Homebrew single 8877, 
5/5/5/5 Stack, Homebrew 52' booms on a 165' rotating tower
Top antenna on TIC ring

Best rate was 155 to start the contest, then a couple 110+ hours for
the Saturday EU opening.  Best hour on Sunday was 55 (puke) while the
average rate on Sunday was 40.

Just when I thought Saturday was bad, Sunday was just horrible.  I worked
50 JA's Saturday nite in my gigantic 40 minute opening and then a whopping
 7 JA's on Sunday.

If this was a "DX" contest, I worked 118 countries, including nice ones like
S0 S7 S9 3V 5X 6W 9H 9U FO FR TL TR TU OD 9K 4S 4L JW JY T8 D2.

Gee, that reads like "Worked All Signal Reports":  S0, S5, S7, S9

Overall, I guess I had fun and was very fortunate to be able to use
the KS9K equipment which overcame some of that dismal propagation
we had to endure.  Thanks Paul!!!

Not quite as busy contest season this time around.  Only 7000 single-op
QSOs and 11,400 multi-op QSOs, but still PLENTY to keep me busy with all
the QSL requests!!

"This is WE9V putting down the mic, hanging up the key, and grabbing my
fishing pole and pilot's goggles until next contest season.....until then,
thanks for the QSOs.  Sayonara amigos!"

                   160    80    40    20    15    10    ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --    ---
  USA calls   =      0     0     0   662     0     0    662
  VE calls    =      0     0     0    92     0     0     92
  N.A. calls  =      0     0     0    61     0     0     61
  S.A. calls  =      0     0     0   119     0     0    119
  Euro calls  =      0     0     0   614     0     0    614
  Afrc calls  =      0     0     0    37     0     0     37
  Asia calls  =      0     0     0    13     0     0     13
  JA calls    =      0     0     0    57     0     0     57
  Ocen calls  =      0     0     0    35     0     0     35

  Total calls =      0     0     0  1690     0     0   1690

Chad Kurszewski, WE9V         e-mail:  Chad_Kurszewski at csg.mot.com
The Official "Sultans of Shwing" Web Site:  http://www.QTH.com/sos

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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