[3830] N5KB M/M Score and excuses

michael d. ihry mihry at topher.net
Tue Apr 1 19:09:30 EST 1997

                   CQ WPX Contest

Call used: N5KB        

Location: North Texas

Category: Multi-Multi

Power: 1500

Mode: SSB

Ops:  N5KB(ex-ac5ct), K5ZO(ex-al7cq), KC5WEG, KC5ZMV AND KC5ZMU

BAND       Q'S        PTS
160        3           0
80         93          70
40         74          124
20         415         320
15         68          150
10         25           63
TOTAL     678          727   X 322 MULTS  = 234,094


COMMENTS: Had a great time. Our first multi-multi and the radios dropped
like flies.
ended with only one radio on the air. Lightning storm took us off on Sat night.
Only op Sun morning was N5KB. KC5ZMV and KC5ZMU showed up Sun afternoon and
This was their first contest. Lost the amp Sunday afternoon while running
LU's on 10.
Big arks and sparks. Was a bad coax inside. Happy with score for first try
at multi-

I have observed all comptition rules as well as regulations for amateur
radio in my country. My report is correct to the best of my knowlege. I
agree to be bound by the decisions of the CQ awards committee.

Date 01 April 97  Signature...Michael D. Ihry     Call....N5KB

Name: Michael D. Ihry
      2660 CR 2296
      Quinlan, TX 75474

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