[3830] NK7U WPX SSB Fun Facts

Scott Tuthill k7zo at micron.net
Tue Apr 1 21:53:18 EST 1997

Being an analytic type at heart I am always looking 
into contest logs for any insights they might have -- 
or Fun Facts as others might say. Having gone back in 
and looked at our NK7U log for the recent WPX SSB test, 
here are some of my findings. I would be interested in 
hearing anyone else's results in these areas.

QSO Point and Multiplier Breakdown
 Points/QSO  Total  # of Mults  % of QSO that are mults
    0         693      256             37%
    2          65       17             26%
    3         509      227             45%
    4          54       20             37%
    6         288       67             23%

I am not sure what to make of this. It was interesting 
that the % of QSOs that are mults for the 0 point QSO's 
was as high as it was. Also, the percentages are 
impacted by the order in which we worked the bands. For 
example, by the time we got to 40M and ran JA 6 
pointers we had worked through many of the mults on 
20M. This is what tends to drive the percentage of 
mults down on the 6 pointers.

More on Zero Point QSO's
Though subject of much discussion, they are part of the 
rules and thus strategies. At NK7U we had 693 0 point 
Q's out of 1,609 total QSO's. This is a whopping 43% of 
our QSO's. However, they did account for 256 of our 587 
multipliers or 44% of our total multipliers. 
Interesting. I wonder if having these percentages equal 
indicates some sort of magic balance?

Another insight into the value of zero point Q's can be 
gained by looking at our final score. With 3,599 QSO 
points an incremental multiplier is worth 3,599 total 
points. Having 587 multipliers means that an 
incremental 3 point QSO is worth only 1,761 points. 
This would suggest it is worth suffering through the 
zero point QSO's in order to get more multipliers.

Of course the key is looking at the relative payback on 
the time invested working zero point QSO's hoping for 
mults, versus scrapping for positive point ones. This 
is where the real strategy can come in and it up to 
every operator to decide on. A calculated guess can be 
made by looking at the multipliers gained as the 0 
point QSO's progressed through the contest. At NK7U 
here are the multipliers we gained in each progressive
100 QSO group of zero pointers:
         QSO Group     # of Multipliers
           1-100              73
         101-200              45
         201-300              43
         301-400              30
         401-500              24
         501-600              18
         601-693              23

By the end of the contest we were still getting one new 
multiplier for every 4 to 5 zero point QSO. Now if you 
know the rates as which you run 0 point Q's versus dig 
for positive point ones, you can start creating a real 

Relative Serial Numbers Sent and Received
The fun of a serial number based contest is that you 
can compare your relative performance with those of the 
people you work. Here are some fun facts from our log:
* We received a total of 43 "59 01" reports and another
  49 "59 02".
* In total we received 339 reports with a 10 or less
  serial number. This is an amazing 21% of our total
  QSO's. In some respect I guess this is because we
  were loud, and we did represent a mult with the NK7
  prefix. I think it also shows there are quite a few
  casual contesters out there who are happy with making
  just a few contacts. In aggregate they make up quite
  a important part of our overall scores. We need to
  keep them happy and involved through things like
  QSL'ing promptly, being friendly, etc.
* In only 138 of our 1,609 QSO's did we receive a
  larger number than we sent. This is only 9%.
* Half of the time the number we sent was more than 
  10 times greater than the number we received. In
  12% of our QSO's the number we sent was more than
  100 times greater than the number we received. On 
  average the number we sent was 54 times as big as
  the number we received. Though this is somewhat 
  misleading as it is skewed by a small number of 
  "59 1XXX" sent "59 001" received QSO's.

That's it for now. 

Scott Tuthill/K7ZO and one of the NK7U contesting gang.

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