JaCeLewis at aol.com JaCeLewis at aol.com
Wed Apr 2 18:43:08 EST 1997


      Call: K4HQ-16 Years Old                     Country:  United States
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Single Operator QRP


      160       11       22   2.0        0     Carolina Windom at 100 feet off
       80       20       54   2.7        4      Carolina Windom at 100 feet off
       40       34      108   3.2        6     Carolina Windom at 100 feet off
       20      199      381   1.9      138   3 element yagi on self
supporting tower
       15      118      254   2.2       24    3 element yagi on self
supporting tower
       10       27       42   1.6        1      3 element yagi on self
supporting tower

     Totals    409      861   2.1      173  =   148,953

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:

Club Affiliation: NONE

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature ________________________________


               ANDREW LEWIS  K4HQ
               7612 JUSTIN PLACE
               CHAPEL HILL, NC 27514

I finally got CT working! Except, it wasn't in my room! I still had to paper
log the WHOLE contest! Then I went back and created my log files. 

Missed the best opening to Europe on Sunday because of Easter! I wish the
Easter didn't fall on a Contest! I went to the School club station I started
3 years ago and operated most of the time! The problem was, was that the
WINDOM came DOWN during a wind storm just a few days earlier! So that meant
NO low band operation! I was determined not to let this ruin my chances! So I
went over to the school and put it up myself! Then a 14 year old gangsta came
by and sawed it down! So, the teacher and I, tracked him down and made him
put it back up!

My rig blew out Friday afternoon! Evertime I would transmit, the receiver
would die, so I used the QRP (Ten Tec Argonaut 509) the WHOLE time! In fact,
when I wasn't at the school, I had to carry it to my house if I wanted to
operate! I was going to do a Low power entry until my QRO rig died, so I was
left with one option,QRP! 

Between going back and forth between the school, and my station, I spent some
time watching my Favotite College Basketball team (North Carolina, of
course!) get beat in the Final Four, a team I HOPE TO PLAY FOR, WHEN I GO TO
COLLEGE! What a year! Also, when I was at the house, I couldn't seem to do
well! No one could hear me most of the time! At my home, I only HAVE LOOPS IN
THE ATTIC! But, was it a different story at the school! Eveyone, the world
over, could hear me! IN FACT, IQ4A said I was the LOUDEST station on the 20
meter band on Saturday afternoon! So, as a test, I lowered the power to 1
watt! And I was still 57with him! 
Some day, I hope to operate from a SUPER station! The family is already
talking about a trip to Trinidad, next Spring Break! So, who knows, I may be
9Y4 next spring! I won't be in IARU as I am going on a little DXpedition of
my own that week!
My next destination will be this Friday, to NA076! Hope to work you from
Portsmout Island!

K4HQ                Age:16 Years Old             

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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