[3830] AE0M WPX SSB M/M (Long)

Stephen Merchant merchant at silcom.com
Wed Apr 2 23:02:20 EST 1997

1997 WPX SSB -- AE0M (@ N6RO) Multi-Multi

     Band   QSO   Points   Prefix

     160    104     98       7
      80    704   1962     119
      40    913   3316     169
      20   1741   2882     446
      15    429    735      98
      10    206    358      34

           4092   9351     873       8,163,423 points

Club Affiliation:  Northern California Contest Club

160 -- Dipole @ 120', faux Beverage -- FT990, Alpha 76A (later WonderAmp)
       AE0M + AK6L, N6RO
       Tony put in yeoman duty here and it showed.

 80 -- 2 el Quad EU/ZL @ 70', 4 el wire Yagi to JA @ 100'/2 el to Carib.
       TS930, Homebrew 3-500Z's <known as Babo>
       K6AW + K2KW, KM6F
       Tough going with high noise and weak signals.  One EU.  KM6F was a 
       very worthwhile addition to the JA team since he speaks the language. He 
       ran all night on Friday.  Took DVP offline Saturday afternoon, so 
       lots of hoarse voices on Sunday.

 40 -- 4/4 @ 135'/65' -- FT1000MP, Alpha 76PA
       N6RO + KX7M, KM6F, AK6L
       Things were tough here as well, but Ken persevered.  Very little EU 
       and not as many JA's as we would have liked.  KX7M put in a lot of long
       hours on this band.  We used a spotting station and did ok with it.

 20 -- 5/5 @ 130'/50' -- TS950SD, Alpha 76PA
       K3EST + N6RO, K6AW, K2KW, KX7M, K6XX
       20 was really mean.  EU stations were scarce and almost 
       impossible to copy a lot of the time.  We all commented it was more like
       CQP and SS with a little dx thrown in.  We used a spotting station here 
       for the first time, to great effect.  K3EST did his usual masterful job.

 15 -- 6/6/6 @ 135'/90'/45' -- FT990, Alpha 76PA
       K2KW + K6AW, K6XX, KX7M
       We got more action out of this band than we had expected, esp. on Sunday
       when we had a nice little JA-VK-ZL run.  We even worked three Africans.

 10 -- 6/5/5 @ 100'/67'/33' -- FT990, Alpha 76A
       AE0M + AK6L, K6AW, K6XX
       This was the band for the iron men.  Lots of F1.  But being on the
       band paid off, and we snared some VK-ZL contacts to go
       with the US and SA Q's.  All credit to AE0M for hanging in there and for
       making things happen.

We ran TRLog v5.99+5dB, using 7 computers in the network, 5 with interfaced 
radios, and 3 DVPs plus 2 CVBs, and packet.  We used the serial number by band 
option so had no problems with numbers.  The network was rock solid except for 
when the sysop (K6AW) screwed up.  Many thanks to Tree for his recent multi-
multi improvements.  Thanks to W6GO for late-night efforts to get us connected 
after the local node crashed.

Special mention to K2KW and AE0M for kitchen duty two nights, providing much 
needed hot food.  And of course, extra special thanks to Ken and Jean for the
famous Radio Oakley hospitality.  K6XX arrived for his traditional Sunday 
morning "I'm ready to rescue you guys" routine -- thanks, Bob.

Ken set out this time to beat WZ1R's (N1RR) score.  Charlie had some extra bad 
weather to contend with, but AE0M was a strong entry anyway.  Having 5 stations 
on the air almost the entire 48 hours paid off.  So did use of spotting 
stations on 40 and 20.  (Again thanks to TR for the effortless way of passing 
mults from spotter to run station.)

I haven't done any zero-point analysis yet.  Here are the continent stats:

      Continent List  WPX SSB AE0M 

                   160    80    40    20    15    10    ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --    ---
  USA calls   =     82   351   334   725   172    86   1750
  VE calls    =     13    59    38   120     3     2    235
  N.A. calls  =      3    18    25    45    33     0    124
  S.A. calls  =      1     9    24    37    95   102    268
  Euro calls  =      2     1     2   146     0     0    151
  Afrc calls  =      0     1     3     6     3     0     13
  Asia calls  =      0    15    24    52     0     0     91
  JA calls    =      0   230   408   464    30     0   1132
  Ocen calls  =      3    19    48   144    93    16    323

  Total calls =    104   704   908  1741   429   206   4092

Thanks everyone for the Q's -- see you in WPX CW.

73, Steve K6AW

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