[3830] WPX ON9CBE SO Assistant AB

on6zx at hamgate.kc3ol.sound.net on6zx at hamgate.kc3ol.sound.net
Thu Apr 3 15:07:48 EST 1997

                  CQ WORLD WIDE PREFIX CONTEST -- 1997

      Call: ON9CBE                   Country:  Belgium
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Single Operator Assistant


      160        0        0   0.0        0
       80       58      112   1.9       39
       40       90      242   2.7       70
       20      114      170   1.5       83
       15       86      129   1.5       66
       10        0        0   0.0        0

     Totals    348      653   1.9      258  =   168,474

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:FT 902dm + TL911 amp.
                      Ant:R7;4ele Yagi 15m;3ele Yagi 20m;Dipole 80m
                          Dipole 160m

Club Affiliation: Low Lands Crazy Contest Club

I had a great time since this is my 1st major contest....
There were only 2 ON9 stations active so I think I gave many a new

Hope to see you next contest
CT works great !!

 º Do you have mail for me??                   º
 º -------------------------                   º
 º Send it to:                                 º
 º                                             º
 º E-MAIL ADR: on1djp @ hamgate.kc3ol.sound.netº
 º                                             º
 º    *******ONLY ASCII TEXT PLEASE********    º

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
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