[3830] N9CO CQWW CW

charlieo at tellabs.com charlieo at tellabs.com
Mon Dec 1 09:08:34 EST 1997

N9CO (IL Zone 4) SOAB QRO UnAssisted:

Call	Hrs	Score		Qso's	Points	Zones	Countries
----	---	-----		-----	------	-----	---------
N9CO	27	1,016,736	1036	2848	99	258


Band	Q     P    C    Z
----	--    --   --   --
160	 2     4    2    2	non-resonant half sloper @ 50'
 80     44   112   32   15	half sloper @ 50'
 40    130   335   53   23	homebrew linear loaded 44' rotary dipole @ 67'
 20    477  1315   73   24	TH6 @ 56'
 15    349   997   78   24	TH6 @ 56'
 10     34    85   20   11	TH6 @ 56'
       1036       258   99	=>	1,016,736
TS930, SB-220, TR logging
Society of Midwest Contesters

First semi-serious CQWW for me.  Having this contest fall on or near the 
Thanksgiving weekend has been difficult for me.  Missed first 5 hours due to 
family commitments, and took off last 1 hour 20 minutes due to minor family 
crisis.  However, I still was able to meet my goal of 1000 q's and 1 meg score.

Had 109 Q's on 15 during 1500z hour on Sunday.  A few others in the 80's.  Guess 
I missed some good 10m openings, especially to EU.  When I was on the band, 
mainly SA and Carib.  Did work some E/W and ZL there.  For a tribander and wire 
station, missing any 10m opening really hurts!


Charlie  N9CO	charlieo at tellabs.com

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