[3830] CQ WW CW, Multi single, HB6FG

Cedric Baechler HB9HFN cedric.baechler at com.mcnet.ch
Mon Dec 1 23:44:31 EST 1997

                              CQ WW SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 29-Nov-97, 30-Nov-97

    Callsign Used : HB6FG

         Category : Multi Single

        Team/Club : USKA Section of Fribourg

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   Zones

  160CW      193         193        192        36         6
   80CW      357         357        458        40        10
   40CW      465         465        882        62        20
   20CW      410         409        860        68        22
   15CW      622         621       1490        55        27
   10CW      177         176        463        30        16

 Totals     2224        2221       4345       291       101

    Operating time: about 34 hours.

    Final Score = 1703240 points.

Nice opening on 10 sunday. First time I could run a US pile-up at 131/hour...
We didn't look very hard for multi because our goal was to give a qso
with the special call to as much people as possible.

Rig: TS-850
Ant: 160       inv-V @ 20m
      80      dipole @ 20m
      40      dipole @ 15m
   10-20         TH7 @ 20m
Log: TR v6.17

73, Cedric HB9HFN

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