[3830] 6Y4A M/M Results in CQ WW CW (LONG)

Ken.Silverman at zool.AirTouch.COM Ken.Silverman at zool.AirTouch.COM
Wed Dec 3 12:56:28 EST 1997

Ken Silverman at AIRTOUCH
12/03/97 12:56 PM

"I never thought such simple vertical antennas could make such a big score"
 Mas, JE3MAS

This comment by Mas was felt by most of the operators... (yee had little
faith! de K2KW)
6Y4A Team:  K2KW, N6BT, N6TV, W4SO, JE3MAS, W9QA, AG9A, KE7X, JI3ERV

I have not heard about other M/M scores, but congratulations to those teams
gave us some stiff competition.  I can only assume that others will post
higher M/M scores,
my hat is off to their accomplishments.

** Preliminary Score ... the score may change.  (more statistics below)


      Call: 6Y4A                     Country:  Jamaica
      Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Multi
      Zone: 08

      160      912     1941     2.13     22      67
       80     1944     4809     2.47     28      95
       40     3769     9785     2.60     33     126 (QSO total is NOT a
       20     3754     9804     2.61     40     150
       15     3070     7795     2.54     35     129
       10     1529     3530     2.31     30      91
     Totals  14978    37664     2.51    188     658  =>  31,863,744

**The 6Y4A team would appreciate any comments on our operation, operating
styles, signal strength, ease or difficulty working us, etc..

Wow, what a fun time!  Many people on team had not met each other before
gathering in Jamaica, but everyone bonded in the time before the contest,
and we all had a great time!  Most of us arrived a week before the contest,
 and we had enough time to take time off to see the local sites, and the
highlight was walking up Dunns River Falls (some of the group climbed
The location of the site was on the north shore of Jamaica about halfway
between MoBay and Ocho Rios.  The antennas were set up on 600' of
ocean-front.   This was a field-day
type of operation, with all equipment and antennas were brought down by
the operators.

While I am going to keep this posting (relatively) short, as I could write
volume about this operation, there are a few
noticeable accomplishments that need to be recognized:
* The outstanding 40m QSO totals turned out by Dave, W9QA, and Mas, JE3MAS.
  They had a total of 3739 QSOs (not including dupes), which I believe is a
 new QSO record on that band.  And all this was done with 15' high 40m
antennas!   When doing the forecasts for our operation, it was my belief
that with the right combination of location, antennas, and operators, that
the 40m QSO total should just about equal the 20m score.  Well, these guys
proved that theory correct by out-QSOing the 20m position by 15 contacts.
   Great job guys!  4000 QSOs on 40m is not out of the question for next
* The first ever JA-6Y QSO on 160m was made by N6BT before the contest,
with a few contacts made during the contest.  Amongst the operators, over a
 dozen JA stations were worked during the trip, with the best conditions
coming the morning after the contest, with signals peaking an honest 579
from the stronger stations.
* The great team work by all the 6Y4A operators

Primary operator list:
160m:  N6BT
80m:  K2KW
40m:  W9QA, JE3MAS
20m:  N6TV, JI3ERV
15m:  AG9A, KE7X
10m:  W4SO
Equipment list:
160:  TS 870, MLA 2500 - 1000w
80:  IC756, Alpha 76 PA - 1200w
40m:  TS930, MLA 2500 - 900w
20m:  FT1000MP, Finn Fet expedition amp - 800w
15m:  TS930, MLA2500 - 1000w
10m:  IC756, MLA2500 - 1000w
Laptop computers running CT in the -LOOP configuration
DX Telnet supplied DX packet spots by monitoring the OH2BUA Webcluster

Antenna list:
All antennas supplied by Force 12, and the antenna systems for this
operation were designed  by N6BT and K2KW.  Coax costs were supplemented by
 Nemal Electronics.
All antennas, and 24' of mast, fit into 4 hard-case golf club carriers, and
 weighed just under 280 pounds, including the cases.  It was hard to
believe that all the antennas for a multi-multi operation could fit in
4 small cases, and at that weight!  Great job Tom!  And many, many, thanks
from the 6Y4A team.

Essentially this was an all-vertical antenna system.
160m:  55' tall linear loaded vertical, 4 elevated radials

80m:  2 element parasitically coupled 35' linear loaded verticals, 2
elevated radials per element, fixed North

40m (1):  2 element 15' tall ZR verticals parasitically coupled, fixed on

40m (2):  2 element 15' tall ZR verticals parasitically coupled, fixed on

20m (1):   4 element "2x2 array" fixed on EU.  Array consists of a phased
pair of 2 element quarter wave verticals that are parasitically coupled. 2
raised radials per element.  A.K.A.  "Flame thrower"  Primarily since one
of the bamboo poles supporting the radials burst into flames due to high
voltage, but also since it was very strong into EU.  WX0B StackMatch box
used to combine both 20m antennas

20m (2):  2 ele quarter wave verticals, parasitically coupled, fixed on
USA/JA, 2 elevated radials per element

15m (1):  2 ele quarter wave verticals, parasitically coupled, fixed at 10
degrees for USA/JA and EU, 2 elevated radials per element, WX0B StackMatch
box used to combine the 15m antennas.

15m (2):  2 element horizontal yagi at 30'

15m (3):  8 element inverted-V yagi fixed on EU, sloping from 40' to 20'
high (this was put up a few hours before the start of the contest since we
thought we needed extra gain to counter the solar flare.  The antenna had
a 4 dB edge over the other antennas at the peak of the opening)

10m (1):  2 ele vertical dipole array parasitically coupled, fixed at 10
degrees for USA/JA and EU, WX0B StackMatch Box

10m (2):  2 element horizontal yagi at 33' mounted on bamboo poles lashed
Antenna tidbits:
Much of the details and research that went into the antenna design will be
published in the upcoming February issue of  CQ Contest magazine.  For
those of you following the thread on these antennas (there was some
discussion on cq-contest at contesting. Com a while back), we had a problem in
 the 1997 6Y4A ARRL DX CW operation with the melting  (breaking) of the guy
 ropes due to high voltage.  The melting occurred due to the salt water
build up on the nylon ropes, which then became conductive.   This year we
went to great extents to reduce the potential of this occurring, but we
still lost one guy rope, where the rope had simultaneously melted on both
sides of a 4" long insulator separating the vertical from the guy rope.
 The bamboo pole on the 20m radial burst into flames since we ran out of
insulators for the radials and just wrapped the end of the radial around
the bamboo.  We
later went back and used tie-wraps as insulators when we ran out of ceramic
 insulators.  But we also lost (melted) a few tie-wraps, and the radials
fell down!
If anyone tells you that a vertical is a simple antenna that just requires
a few radials of random length just thrown around, does not know what they
are talking about!   We had to tune the verticals by adjusting the radial
 and adjusting the height of the radial above ground.  And you DO need
radials even if the antenna is just a few feet from the salt water.

73, Kenny K2KW
Team Leader, 6Y4A

Please send any comments on the 6Y4A operation to:
ken.silverman at airtouch.com

Continent Statistics
     6Y4A   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST    Multi Multi      1 Dec 1997  1659z
                 160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent
North America   CW  843 1086 1560 1470 1465 1093 7517    48.4
South America   CW    7   18   19   28   71   33  176     1.1
Europe          CW   99  593 1726 1791 1397  411 6017    38.7
Asia            CW   13  375  509  457  234   25 1613    10.4
Africa          CW    9   15   18   29   26   17  114     0.7
Oceania         CW    5    4   18   30   26    8   91     0.6

Sorry for the incorrect .BRk file.  I still haven't found the QSO with the
wrong date.  The 0200 hour is actually the first hour of the contest, and
the last 2 hours
were chopped off the file.  I will repost the .BRK when we figure out the
HOUR      160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM
   0    .....    .....    .....     1/2     .....    .....     1/2     1/2
   1      .        .        .        .        .        .        .      1/2
   2   120/10   125/24   208/42   175/14     8/13     2/3   638/106
   3    80/5    112/13   202/16    61/22     5/1       .     460/57
   4    86/15   101/22   205/17    47/21    11/4       .     450/79
   5    35/7    129/10   190/18    75/15    16/3      1/2    446/55
   6    64/9    111/5    181/6     83/17     4/0       .     443/37
   7    39/7    101/2    142/3     20/11      .        .     302/23
   8    38/7     64/12   181/4     63/5     .....    .....   346/28
   9    33/1     55/5    146/0    103/7       .        .     337/13
  10    15/1     52/3    154/6     57/3       .        .     278/13
  11    13/2     53/0     93/8    128/13      .        .     287/23
  12    11/0     69/3     72/5    107/4      2/2       .     261/14
  13     2/2     52/2    117/4    108/4    115/34     1/0    395/46
  14      .       9/0     73/0    103/2    166/9     19/13   370/24
  15      .        .      16/1     78/6     96/12    59/18   249/37
  16    .....    .....    10/0     69/2    170/8     86/5    335/15
  17      .        .      10/1     63/2    109/5     55/13   237/21
  18      .        .       1/0     73/1    145/8    100/9    319/18
  19      .        .        .     130/1    131/5     77/3    338/9
  20      .        .        .     109/2    139/10   125/6    373/18
  21      .        .       1/0     98/1    133/0     41/5    273/6
  22      .        .      17/2    106/2    105/6     24/3    252/13
  23     2/0       .      60/4     77/5    119/11    30/2    288/22
   0     6/2     25/1    134/1     64/4    101/1     65/5    395/14
   1    22/2     45/2     84/6    101/3     84/4     25/0    361/17
   2    12/4     54/3     95/4     48/3     28/1      5/0    242/15
   3    24/3     44/0    145/2     75/3      7/0       .     295/8
   4    36/1     51/0    153/1     37/1      1/0       .     278/3
   5    42/0     66/3    140/0     38/0      1/0       .     287/3
   6    32/2     95/1    117/0     42/2      1/0       .     287/5
   7    36/1     89/3    100/2     56/0       .        .     281/6
   8    39/1     69/2     94/1     48/1     .....    .....   250/5
   9    25/2     41/1     72/1     72/0       .        .     210/4
  10    16/1     45/1     80/0     54/0      1/0       .     196/2
  11    10/0     57/0     74/1    104/0       .        .     245/1
  12    13/2     77/4     69/1     99/1      1/0       .     259/8
  13     8/0    101/0     77/0    112/0    109/1      6/0    413/1
  14      .       9/0     33/0     64/0    129/4     88/9
  15      .        .      17/0     55/0    124/3     77/7
  16    .....    .....     3/0     40/0    110/3     35/5    188/8
  17     1/1      1/0      2/0     65/1    112/4     70/2    251/8
  18      .        .       1/0     86/0    163/1    100/4    350/5
  19      .        .       4/0     90/1     88/2    157/0    339/3
  20      .        .        .      67/1     85/5     79/1    231/7
  21      .        .       1/0     87/0    100/0     93/2    281/2
  22      .        .       2/0     71/0    118/0     61/2    252/2
  23     3/0       .      54/0     81/3    103/0     35/1    276/4
DAY1   538/66 1033/101 2079/137 1934/162 1474/131   620/82    .....
DAY2   325/22   869/21  1551/20  1656/24  1466/29   896/38      .
TOT    863/88 1902/122 3630/157 3590/186 2940/160 1516/120      .

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