[3830] C4A (5B4ADA/9A3A) SO 40M CQWW97 SCORE

Ivo Pezer, 5B4ADA/9A3A 9A3A at spidernet.com.cy
Fri Dec 5 19:45:56 EST 1997

C4A (OP. 5B4ADA/9A3A)

CQWW 97 CW Single Op 40m High Power

CALL                QSO                DXCC          ZONE

C4A                    3072                130

Total score:    1,373.790 PTS

After some unforeseen circumstances I had to quit early
during the phone weekend (not enough sleep two weeks before
the contest, bad swr on 15m, ETO 91B problem, and finally
several neighbors coming to inform me of several kind of
interference problems).
I intended to operate all bands phone and try single 40 on
cw to see the difference with 2el F12 yagi.
Several other problems developed before cw leg, so I was not
sure if I'll operate SOAB QRP, LP or HP, or go for 40 as
planned earlier.
Since my 40m swr is still high on low cw I was thinking to
give it a try on all bands QRP to see if I really have gain
or not. 5B4LP who operated from my shack a couple of days
before the contest convinced me to go 40m.
So, I woke up one and a half hour early to find a clear spot
and see what happens with yagi ant on 40m.
To my surprise, I have not had huge pile ups as always, but
reports were good. US stations were not as loud as they
usually are, but it can change during the test. And than,
just two minutes before the test,  comes a surprise:


For next two minutes OE1A was sending test msg and not
listening at all.
He was 25-30 over S 9 and I guess I was not much less on his
Tried to tell him that freq was in use but no ears on his
side. So, two of us started struggling for each qso and I
almost gave up. After I realized that it is impossible to
find a new frequency, I decided to sacrifice whatever had to
sacrificed and returned to my original frequency, 7030 and
started working EUs and USA rather at low rate. After some
time my special call sign managed to drill a hole and get
through and my pile up was becoming bigger and bigger. I
still had to waist my time trying to copy even loud signals,
because OE1A was still calling CQ TEST. Anyway, after 30-35
minutes he realized that I WILL STAY ON MY FREQUENCY, and
he     QSYed. My second hour was 204 Qs, so I guess I lost
50 or so Qs trying to keep my frequency.
West coast USA started pouring in, slowly but early, and I
guess my yagi was working ok. I had my 1993 log (C41A) in
front of me, and after 3-4 hours I was slightly ahead of my
score when I set a World Record. When I went to bed, around
10 AM LT, I had similar number of Qs (1022)  but less dupes
this time.
More than 300 Qs were with NA. Bad QRN forced me to go to
bed early, planned to try to work EUs till I hear them (and
that's 24 h/day). Russian team operating P3A had similar
problems on low bands, it was cloudy in Cyprus and
atmospheric noise was too bad.
Afternoon runs were not spectacular, but had some good runs
of 1 point JAs and later EUs again, with some juicy mults
coming back to me. At 00 Z I had 1700+ Qs. Second day was
so-so. I was coming close to the record, but no big pile ups
and fast score increments. So, slowly I was getting closer
and closer.
Around  3 or 4  hours before the end I wanted to move score
window on CT and it disappeared from my screen. To be even
more stupid, I moved rate window as well. Tried to get them
back, moved bin file to another version of ct, but no
windows!! When I realized I am loosing Qsos, I decided to
work till the end and check score later. My last score was
1,2M points, so I was about 200k pts away from the world
record. Still worrying about my ct problem, I took the
manual and when I found that all windows changes are saved
in bin file, I gave up.
At the end I run write log and realized I was just slightly
above the World Record. Running b2r9 and than r2b9 I managed
to get back my score window, but the rate window is still
missing. Anybody knows how to get it back???
So, biggest thrill was OE1A on my frequency and if any of OE
stations reads this I would appreciate any info who was
operating at the very beginning of the contest that call
sign. I think that's OE1XTU station but I'm not sure.
This is second time in my 10 years of contesting that
somebody was DELIBERATELY QRMing me and ignoring my presence
on the frequency.
Shame on whoever it was, contests need Contesters and not
people who are trying to show that they can run on the same
frequency with a rare (or semi-rare) station.
Thanks to all of you who worked me and QSL goes via my
manager 9A2AJ.

CU next one

Ivo C4A - 5B4ADA

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C4A (OP. 5B4ADA/9A3A)

<P>CQWW 97 CW Single Op 40m High Power

<P><FONT SIZE=-1>CALL&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
DXCC&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ZONE</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp;</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=-1>C4A&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<BR><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=-1>Total score:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</FONT> 1,373.790 PTS

<P>After some unforeseen circumstances I had to quit early during the phone
weekend (not enough sleep two weeks before the contest, bad swr on 15m,
ETO 91B problem, and finally several neighbors coming to inform me of several
kind of interference problems).
<BR>I intended to operate all bands phone and try single 40 on cw to see
the difference with 2el F12 yagi.
<BR>Several other problems developed before cw leg, so I was not sure if
I'll operate SOAB QRP, LP or HP, or go for 40 as planned earlier.
<BR>Since my 40m swr is still high on low cw I was thinking to give it
a try on all bands QRP to see if I really have gain or not. 5B4LP who operated
from my shack a couple of days before the contest convinced me to go 40m.
<BR>So, I woke up one and a half hour early to find a clear spot and see
what happens with yagi ant on 40m.
<BR>To my surprise, I have not had huge pile ups as always, but reports
were good. US stations were not as loud as they usually are, but it can
change during the test. And than, just two minutes before the test,&nbsp;
comes a surprise:


<P>For next two minutes OE1A was sending test msg and not listening at
<BR>He was 25-30 over S 9 and I guess I was not much less on his side.
<BR>Tried to tell him that freq was in use but no ears on his side. So,
two of us started struggling for each qso and I almost gave up. After I
realized that it is impossible to find a new frequency, I decided to sacrifice
whatever had to be
<BR>sacrificed and returned to my original frequency, 7030 and started
working EUs and USA rather at low rate. After some time my special call
sign managed to drill a hole and get through and my pile up was becoming
bigger and bigger. I still had to waist my time trying to copy even loud
signals, because OE1A was still calling CQ TEST. Anyway, after 30-35 minutes
he realized that I WILL STAY ON MY FREQUENCY, and he&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
QSYed. My second hour was 204 Qs, so I guess I lost 50 or so Qs trying
to keep my frequency.
<BR>West coast USA started pouring in, slowly but early, and I guess my
yagi was working ok. I had my 1993 log (C41A) in front of me, and after
3-4 hours I was slightly ahead of my score when I set a World Record. When
I went to bed, around 10 AM LT, I had similar number of Qs (1022)&nbsp;
but less dupes this time.
<BR>More than 300 Qs were with NA. Bad QRN forced me to go to bed early,
planned to try to work EUs till I hear them (and that's 24 h/day). Russian
team operating P3A had similar problems on low bands, it was cloudy in
Cyprus and atmospheric noise was too bad.

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