[3830] KK7GW CQWW CW SOLP (unassisted) score, comments

David Jones kk7gw at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 6 09:47:57 EST 1997

                        CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST  1997

      CALL: KK7GW                    COUNTRY: United States (WWA)
      MODE: CW                       CLASS: SO LP Unassisted


      160        0        0     0.0          0      0
       80        4        5     1.2          3      3
       40       43      100     2.3         13     17
       20       18       49     2.7          8     13
       15       57      145     2.5         20     28
       10        1        0     0.0          1      1

     Totals    123      299     2.4         45     62  =>  31,993

Hours of operation: 15

All reports sent 59(9) unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:
Kenwood TS-530S, Vectronics antenna tuner
Dipole cut for 40m @20 feet


Wow, what a contest. Although I wish I could have gone full out helping 
at the W7RM
M/M, I at least managed to work the contest for 15 hours and work (more 
than) a few
countries.  Having a small DXCC total, this sure helped it jump up.  I 
was around 50
before, up to 70 or so now.  Conditions were spectacular, I couldn't 
believe the way 40
was acting, with a JA opening at midnight, local. (not to mention a EU 
opening earlier). I
actually made 4 contacts on 80, which surprised me.  Spent about 16-17 
hours off as my
family went up for the annual Vancouver, BC shopping trip (how I wish I 
was 18 instead
of 14...) 

Came back late Saturday, flipped to 40, and found a ZL right away, then 
collapsed in bed
for a few hours.  Sunday morning, 40 opened as usual to JA land, and I 
found 9M6NA for
an all time new country. Went up to 20 and found hordes of G's, DL's and 
(amazingly, I'd never worked a DL on CW before).  Following the MUF, I 
went up to 15,
and was rewarded with many EU's, and the opening to EA8 land, along with 
ZD8Z. Op of the contest award goes to the 10m op at KC1XX for pulling me 
out of the
noise for my only contact on 10 (my 40m dipole does really badly on 10, 
80, and 160).
15 just went wide open for a few hours, and my rate actually hit 20 for 
an hour, as I
worked every DX station I could find (along with VY1JA for zone 1).  

I had the occasional busted call, and had to throw out a couple contacts 
because I would
either be K7GW, KK7OW, or KK7GO (time to start thinking of a 1x2 vanity 

123 Q's is a new record for me in a DX contest. My previous was about 50 
in the ARRL
DX phone contest back in March.  Very fun contest, the first CW contest 
that I could take
advantage of the Extra subband, that really helped.

Thanks to all those here in the US that gave me zones, and thanks to all 
for the Q's.
See you all tonight in the 160 contest (got 9 Q's last night), and in 
the 10 meter contest.


David Jones, KK7GW
kk7gw at hotmail.com

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