[3830] K1EPJ AR160 SOLP results

David Leduc leduc at agfa.com
Mon Dec 8 08:19:00 EST 1997

Q's     countries sections  pts		time

519	8	61	73,254		14 hours

Equipment IC-756
Inverted L. with 2 elevated radials.

I just got the antenna up again about two weeks ago in anticipation of
the contest.  Couldn't believe the great conditions on Friday
night/Saturday morning. The highlight was being called by GU, DL and
G3. Also worked SP on the first call. Although, activity in the DX
window seemed almost non-existent.

Saturday night was kind of a bust so went to bed at 10 PM. Tried again
from 2:00 till 4:00 AM but felt like my antenna was laying on the
ground so I got some sleep.  It was very frustrating calling the west
coast stations who could not hear my signal.  I wonder how many of
them may have been calling me with similar results?

73 de Dave K1EPJ

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