[3830] "Team Nippon" Team Contesting Raw Score

Satoshi Nakamura je1jkl at ja2.so-net.or.jp
Tue Dec 9 22:44:28 EST 1997

I am pleased to announce our team contesting raw score for the CQWW CW as 

"Team Nippon" Team Contesting Raw Score
   3DA5A (JM1CAX)     SOABHP     5,379,534 
   V8EA  (JO1RUR)     SOABHP     5,249,314 
   JH5FXP             SOABHP     4,206,226 
   YN6WW (JA6WFM)     SOABHP     1,301,008 
   9M6NA (JE1JKL)     SO40HP     1,070,082 

   TOTAL	                17,206,164

73, Saty JE1JKL

 Satoshi Nakamura     <je1jkl at ja2.so-net.or.jp>
              (Saty JE1JKL/9M6NA/NH6J ex-5Z4CS/5W1EZ/KC6CS)
 JE1JKL Home Page  -  Best source for Asia-Pacific Sprint rule and results

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