[3830] W2LC ARRL 160m

W2LC w2lc at ix.netcom.com
Tue Dec 9 21:48:48 EST 1997

Low power
Call          Score      QSOs      PTS      SECTs     DX      Hrs
W2LC      41,040       374        760         50           4        8

Antennas:  shunt fed 76ft tower, 4ft mast with 4el 2m yagi on top, HF yagi
now waiting for spring.  80/40 trap dipole at 75 ft. 340ft beverage is not
very good on 160.

With the new tower going up kind of late in the year, all my antenna work
is last minute.  Climbed the tower in the dark to put up the shunt feed at
about 60ft.  Friday I was finishing the bottom end (again in the dark) 
when I heard something in the woods.  Turned the flashlight and saw a skunk
slowly moving my way, and towards the only escape route, thick pricker
bushes in all other directions.  So I hastily went back inside and finished
an hour later.  I thought skunks hibernated, but the warmer weather must
have woke him/her up.  Good thing this was only a part time effort.  Yes
the score really stinks.  :-)

Output power was swinging with the breeze, from about 20W to 80W, I guess
from the gamma wire moving around.  Best I could do was a 2.5:1 VSWR, but
it worked pretty well

73 Scott W2LC  w2lc at ix.netcom.com   CBA not ok !  Change in progress.

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