[3830] K3CR(KB3AFT op) ARRL 160 Single Op/QRP

Jim Spence jms403 at psu.edu
Wed Dec 10 18:14:43 EST 1997

                            1997 ARRL 160 METER CONTEST
     Call used: K3CR                                          Location: WPA
     Category: Single Op Single Band      Mode: CW                Power: 5W
     Callsign of Operator: KB3AFT
     If multi-operator, show calls of all operators and loggers:
     Exchanged Information: K3CR RST WPA 
     Hours of Operation: 35:15
     band      QSOs     points
     160        600       1200  FT-1000MP(About 250 2nd VFO Qs) +
Inverted-vee @ 175'
     TOTAL      600       1200   X   48 multipliers(0 dx)  =  57,600
     Club or Team Name: North Coast Contesters      
     Comments:  Thanks to Jim, WA3FET, and Nathan, NW3Z, for use of the
station and thanks to the 600 who pulled me out of the muck!    
     I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for
     amateur radio  in my country.  My report  is correct and true to the
     best of my knowledge.  I agree  to be bound by  the decisions of the
     ARRL Awards Committee.
     Date_________ Signature_____________________________ Call____________
     Name: James M. Spence                 Call: KB3AFT
           1245 Keenan Hill Road         
           Monongahela, PA  15063  

station: K3CR        
contest: ARRL 160 Meter Contest        
UTC   160  rate total
22Z    78    78    78  <-- Fun starts here
23Z    36    36   114
00Z    28    28   142
01Z    33    33   175
02Z    35    35   210
03Z    34    34   244
04Z    27    27   271
05Z    29    29   300
06Z    29    29   329
07Z    15    15   344
08Z    16    16   360
09Z    15    15   375
10Z     6     6   381
11Z    17    17   398
12Z    13    13   411 <-- Fun ends here
14Z     0     0   411
15Z     0     0   411
16Z     0     0   411
17Z     0     0   411
18Z     0     0   411
19Z     1     1   412 <-- Woke up, worked N2NT, back for more Zs 
20Z    10    10   422 <-- Work starts here
21Z    13    13   435
22Z    12    12   447
23Z    18    18   465
00Z    10    10   475
01Z    14    14   489
02Z    16    16   505
03Z    12    12   517
04Z     7     7   524
05Z    19    19   543
06Z    10    10   553
07Z     4     4   557
08Z     4     4   561
09Z    12    12   573
10Z     7     7   580
11Z     8     8   588
12Z     6     6   594
13Z     2     2   596
14Z     4     4   600
15Z     0     0   600 <-- Work ends
tot   600  ----   600



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