[3830] 1997 ARRL 160 Meter Contest, KE9I

Gerard Jendraszkiewicz jend at midway.uchicago.edu
Fri Dec 12 00:44:52 EST 1997

Here are the results for the ARRL 160M test from KE9I

Q's         Points        Mults        Countries        Score

1017        2067        76            10                    177,762

Class: High Power
Hours of operation: 30

Rig: Yaesu FT-990
Amp: AL-80A @ 550W
Ant TX: 60' Top loaded vertical, 160M INVee @ 25' (Cloud burner)
Ant RX: 660' Beverages, W (270), NW (315), NE (45), E (90). 880'
Beverage NE (60)

Comments: No Eu the 1st night, band was very quiet, and lots of
stateside Q's, band better the 2nd night some EU worked but lots more
heard !! JA's good both mornings but could not work any JA !! Guess they
can't hear the 550 W. Missed NWT, PR (?) and NL (?). Where were you at
?? Highlight: working 2 AK and 2 HI stations ! Thanks to all who worked
me ! See you all again next year.

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