[3830] K3WW Multi Op ARRL 10 Meter contest

Charles Charles
Mon Dec 15 03:55:31 EST 1997

About 15 hours with packet running, trying to hit the best times when
High power Mixed mode (dont think there is an option with Multi Op)
          QSO   POINTS  States Countries
CW    547     2188          51       41
SSB   353       706          48       35
         900       2894         99       76   = 506,450  points

Club: Frankford Radio Club.

A little Europe here and there, mostly grabbed SSB spots and ran a few
Domestic QSOs from time to time, the rest all CW.
Plenty of noise in several directions, urban sprawl.
Antennas  TH6 90'  TH7 60 feet    C3  50 feet
Tended to run about 1100 watts max,  for compromise quick antenna switching.
If I couldnt hear you, you called when the noise
was S7 or better, or were running less power when I was marginal.

73 Chas K3WW

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