[3830] W9XT, 10M SO/HP Mixed

Gary Sutcliffe ppvvpp at mixcom.com
Sun Dec 14 23:16:40 EST 1997

W9XT, Single OP, High Power, Mixed Mode. Wisconsin section

      QSOs   Mults
CW    468    77
Phone 618    67
     1086   144 ==> 447,552

Club: Society of Midwest Contesters
Equipment:  FT1000MP, AL1200, TH7 @50', A3 @65' (separate towers, WX0B
match box).

Good Es openings at times.  First two hours and very last were the best.
Best rate was 155 at 0100-0200Z first night.  S7 line noise for several
hours Saturday morning nearly shut me down.  It reappeard Sunday, but was
S3 and only lasted about an hour.

Lots of South America and some Pacific DX.  Had a short opening to Europe
Sunday morning, and was able to work about 15 Europeans.  Never worked an
African or Asian station!  Neatest QSO was being called by VK8HA long path
Sunday morning.

Gary Sutcliffe,  W9XT          Unified Microsystems
ppvvpp at mixcom.com              PO Box 133 Slinger, WI 53086
http://www.qth.com/w9xt        414-644-9036

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