[3830] KM0L ARRL 10M cw

Steve Lufcy km0l at tfs.net
Sun Dec 14 01:14:24 EST 1997

ARRL 10 Meter Contest 1997

call: KM0L
cata: SO high power CW only unassisted
sec: MO

KM0L   MO    401 cw Q's   17 cty   38 sec  =>  88,220    6 hrs

rig: TS-940s, MLA2500B (550 watts) -> A4 at 65'
      pentium 90 w/ CT9

soap: Band didn't open like it did during cqww. Openings were very
selective- worked 135 in the first hour all on east coast from VA to NH,
with a couple of W8's thrown in. Then Sun AM worked couple ON's, then
couple of G's then nothing. Never heard anything to the west of me. Worked
two CO stations but NO CA, WA, OR. Have never worked a contest that I could
not work CA!
There were sparks however- the 135 Q's in first hour Friday evening was the
best hour ever from my home station. And that was all after sundown.
See you all in Jan contests,

73 de KM0L Steve in KC

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