[3830] DK2GZ CQWW-CW Score

Meierharry Meierharry at aol.com
Tue Dec 16 11:18:55 EST 1997

                   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST  1997

      Call: DK2GZ                    Country:  Fed. Rep. of Germany
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single Operator/single ban=


      160        0        0     0.00      0       0
       80        0        0     0.00      0       0
       40        0        0     0.00      0       0
       20     1013     2277     2.25     36     114
       15        0        0     0.00      0       0
       10        0        0     0.00      0       0

     Totals   1013     2277     2.25     36     114  =3D>  341,550

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:
TRX:    Kenwood TS870 + AL80A, 500 Watt out
Ant.:   TH6DXX

Soapbox: I had to set up the station on a little hill-top.
         Everything, except the the tower and antenna, had to
         carry on the hill-top.
         I set up the station at 4.00 utc (lokal 5.00) on saturday morning.
         Every two hours i had to refill the generator, used abt 15 gallon 
         petrol and 2/3 gallon of oil!
         Anyway the goal was to beat 1K qso and i did it! 

Club Affiliation: Southern Germany DX Group

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature Harry Meier


               Harry Meier  DK2GZ
               Gutedelstr. 9
               Karlsruhe,   76228

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