[3830] KZ5MM / K5TR 10m logs

george fremin iii geoiii at bga.com
Fri Dec 19 08:37:50 EST 1997


In the vain of contest scores and rate sheets etc. I have 
taken the KZ5MM and K5TR logs and run some reports that 
compare them every ten minutes.  Since Chuck and I had vary 
similar QSO rates they are very kind of intresting.

I also have lists of how many stations we each worked 
in each state - it is intresting how diffrent these 
two lists are - Chuck and I were operating from stations
that are about 300+ miles apart. (I am west of him)

Anyway - you can find the data on my web page.


Robert Barron - KA5WSS wrote the software that does the 
rate and score comparisons.


George Fremin III          "You give me a $10,000 custom guitar
Austin, Texas                and Chet Atkins a $200 discount 
K5TR (ex.WB5VZL)              store special, and who do you think
512/416-7010                   will make better music?"
geoiii at bga.com                                         -- Lee AA4GA

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