[3830] Stew Perry Results

Spike Lazar slazar19 at sgi.net
Tue Dec 30 12:11:03 EST 1997

                  1997 Stew Perry Challenge

          W3GH Single Op.,  Low Power <100 Watts 300 Q's

Antenna's: inverted vee 167' apex,  80' linear loaded vertical.

Have no idea what the score is, but if somebody could help out
with scoring suggestions, then I can post actual score.

These new FCC guidelines should have been in effect before the
Stew Perry, Many of us are suffering overdoses from stations
hundreds of miles away!  Seems to be a new power class, common
guys, turn it down to 1500 watts. You can't beat them so now
you joined them, duh

Score reported by W9XR, Operator was W3GH

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