[3830] Update: Version 7 Contest Station Descriptions

k7zo at micron.net k7zo at micron.net
Wed Dec 31 14:19:45 EST 1997

Since I sent out the note that Version 7 of my Contest Station 
Descriptions files were available a couple item have been brought 
to my attention that I want to pass on in case you are 
experiencing similar problems.

* First, sometime after the original upload, the Excel 5.0 file 
  was damaged. I have no way of Write Protecting the files so
  they are exposed to unintended damage. This has never been a
  problem before, but I always knew it could happen. Which it
  apparently did. I have uploaded a new copy. If you had 
  problems, try it again.

* Second, for some reason, the Excel 7.0 file I uploaded appears 
  to have been the wrong file format. I am not sure what happened
  but I did something wrong somewhere. I have recreated the file,
  zipped it, and uploaded it again. If you wanted to use the 
  Office 97/Excel 7 version, but could not get it to work, try
  it again. If this one does not work, I give up. I would 
  recommend using the Excel 5.0 version instead. It loads into
  Office 97/Excel 7 just fine.

I appreciate the thanks that several of you have send along. It 
makes the efforts worthwhile.

Finally, I am still looking for someone to take over ownership of 
these files while I take a year sabbatical. If you are interested 
send me an e-mail.

Scott/K7ZO k7zo at micron.net  

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