KM0L CW sprint

Stephen C Lufcy km0l at
Sat Feb 8 22:33:44 EST 1997

MUCH better!
call: KM0L
name: Steve
sec:  MO

band    Q's     mults       ant
 80      60
 40     115
 20      72         
total    247   x   40    =>  9,880 score

rig: FT101ZD, MLA2500B (800 W) -> A4 at 65', 40 meter dipole at 65',
     80 meter Inv V at 60'

soap: CW rules! This was the closest thing to normal I've been in in a while.
Mults heard but not worked: AR, DE, NY, VE6. Did not work anything 
exotic, but was sure nice to make some Q's for a change. VE2ZP called me 
on 80, and AA0CY in NV gave me # 5 in the last hour. 
Hope to have my 940 back from shop for ARRL DX- it's been in for repairs 
since Dec. 9- ouch. Also hope to do some antenna work before WPX this year.
Things are looking up from here- of course that's pretty easy when your 
on the bottom. See ya'll in the next one.
73 de KM0L Steve in KC

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