CW Sprint - K1KI

frenaye at frenaye at
Sat Feb 8 23:22:26 EST 1997

    349 QSOs
     48 Mults
  16752 points (for team YCCC)

There may be a dupe or two in the log yet to be found.

Almost everything worked well this time, including the bands!  Seemed like 
each band stayed open longer than they have in the past several years. 
Activity levels seemed better, though fewer west coast stations were heard.

Logged on paper. One radio. Two band changes (0122Z 20>40 and 0240Z 40>80)

Hourly rate: 88 95 88 78
QSOs/band: 114/20 127/40 108/80
  First time I've ever worked 100 on each band

Missed VT LA MS MT NE SD of the lower 48 
Worked VE2-4-5-6-7 and KP3   (plus CT1BOH and G4BUO...)
Didn't hear any multipliers that I missed

The only hardware problem was an intermittant on the 80m 4-square near the 
end, hope I can track it down this week.  Biggest improvement over the last 
Sprint was having an 80m inverted Vee available this time.  Ran into a 
couple of "software" problems after the 2nd hour (daydreaming, tuning and 
finding no one new, etc).
				73 Tom

E-mail: frenaye at   
Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box 386, West Suffield CT 06093 Phone: 860-668-5444

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