K5NZ CW Sprint LP

KB5YVT at aol.com KB5YVT at aol.com
Sun Feb 9 10:38:47 EST 1997

K5NZ  Mike TX  Low Power  TDXS#1

TR Log
FT1000MP / Icom 735
KT34XA @ 96 / KT34A @ 61 fixed NE (now working thanks to N5TR/K8CC)
40m dipole @ 50
3 80m Slopers

80  70
40  86
20  105

262 x 43 = 11223

My best score so far!  Where was VE3 ??  Tried to use 2 radio but it
backfired.  Borrowed an Icom 735 and  I put up a 40 dipole Sat. morning for
the second rig and decided that it would be on 40 all the time.  For some
reason it would only put out 50wts after about 10 mins on 40?  It was too
much trouble to get the antenna back to my main rig so I just hung in there.

When I grow up I want to be just like NM5M... WOW over 300 LP.
Think I'll  make that my goal....when I do 300+ LP that's when I'll buy an
amp. Shud have the money by then (10 yrs) ;-) !

73 all
mike k5nz 

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