Sprint survey

Danny Eskenazi k7ss at WOLFENET.com
Sun Feb 9 17:58:50 EST 1997

(could someone please forward this to CQ-contest reflector, I tried and it


Inquiring minds want to know:

How many of the over 250Q scorers use computer for all functions of logging
and sending? 

How many use the computer for logging, and send with paddle?

How many use two radios?

.....feel like im consistently dropping behind the pack, and want to know
what Im missing.  Still doing it with one radio, paddle, and pencil. 

Old dog, new tricks.......could be time.

Would be interested in a discussion on this one.  My favorite contest.

Sorry to all those who had to endure my inconsistent use of callsign at the
beginning or end of the exchange. Tried to relearn 20 years of sending my
call at the end by programming one button for anwering folks who called me,
and one for those I called.....got all screwed up in the heat of the
battle...and found myself thinking..."let's see, I called him, so I send his
call and number
and push this button.....oops forgot to send my call.."  Maybe the new
programs in TR etc do all this automatically....  "Thinking" sure screws up
the rhythm when its going hot and heavy..

73 de Danny K7SS
Danny Eskenazi
k7ss at wolfenet.com

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