K4AB ARRL CW SOAP HP, Unassisted

Larry A. Crim k4ab at nerak.companet.net
Mon Feb 17 19:30:53 EST 1997

160       31         25   Vertically Polarized Delta Loop
 80      145         46   Phased Delta Loop Array
 40      343         66   402CD @ 110'
 20      929         80   5 over 5 @ 100'/50'
 15      127         45   4 over 4 @  7O'/35'
 10        5          4   TH-6 @ 80'
Totals  1580        266   =   1,260,840   (41 hours)

Is it just me, or has DX participation decreased over the years.  
Saturday night during this contest, at times, seemed like SS on Sunday 

Larry K4AB (ex WZ4F)

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