K7BG SO AB Unassisted DX

K7BG Matt Trott aa7bg at 3rivers.net
Tue Feb 18 14:56:57 EST 1997

        Band    Q's     Mults
        ----    ----    -----
        160     21      16      Half sloper from 80' 
        80      62      38      Sloper from 80'
        40      174     55      402CD @ 95' (Shoulda spent more time here)
        20      859     85      205 @ 83'
        15      49      25      TH3 @ 32'
        10      2       2        "   "
                ----    ----
                1167    221 ===> 773,721 claimed

Got called Tony alot. Hey, this call wasn't my first choice but it was near
the top of list. Missed first 5 1/2 hours due to Valentines Day banquet.
Ninety nine percent of operators worked were first class and I thank them
all for the great time I had. I need to learn propagation idiocyncracies of
the lower bands. Operated 33 hours total. I think I slept through some good
pre-dawn openings. Only grand slam was PJ9C who I caught on 10m late Sunday.
Had really nice Euro run on 20 Sunday morning. The flutter coupled with the
hoards calling sure made it hard to pull a complete call out. Ran several
hundred JA's on 20m Saturday evening. I'll never cease to be amazed at the
politeness of the JA ops. Had all three "last" rate windows over a hundred
for long stretches working the JA's. That 15m skew path to Europe on Sunday
was cool! Wish I'd had better antenna. Had fun on 160m after putting up half
sloper last weekend. First "real" 160m antennas I've ever had. Apologies to
P40W on 160 for QRMing him with VFOs split. OOPS!

Only overall "new" one worked was Jersey. In 21 years of off and on hamming
I never seemed to work GJ. Two called in during Eu run within 10 minutes of
each other. Ain't that the way it always seems to work. Nice to be called
by: 7X, JD1, 4Z, XX9, VS97, D6 and others. The bad thing about finally
having some antennas a ways up in the air is that now I see where I need a
couple more towers for 10 and 15, etc. You shouldla seen the look in the
XYL's eyes when I told her at the end that I need to work on more towers
this Summer. Honey, .......ouch......put down that cast iron
skillet......how about 2 summers from now??

This is the first contest I ran pretty much serious since getting all the
antennas on  the tower.  I started thinking about this project over a year
ago. I would like to thank Trey for the medium and all the users of this
reflector who helped me realize this dream. I sure appreciate your advice.
Put the whole shootin match up pretty much single-handed and it sure feels
good. I actually, cracked a few piles without waiting!! Only trouble is I
see where 83' of 45G just isn't tall enough. Should have gone twice as high.
Are we EVER satisfied?? (I hope not).


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