Tim Coad Tim_Coad at
Tue Feb 18 17:59:51 EST 1997

OK...So its a little more than just a score....
what reflector does this belong on......

Call: WC6H (op NU6S)   SJV
CW/HP/AB/No Ass.

      QSO		MULTS
160		15		8		 1/4 wave sloping vertical
80		 76		24		in vee at 115 feet
40		466		59		4 ele @ 120
20		647		76 	5 ele @ 125
15		143		39		6 ele at 50
10		 14	 	5		5 ele at 55
1361 X 211 = 861,513

Worked the CW version of the contest for 1st time in over 20 years to help
club score.

Spent too much time looking for mults that I never found.

10 and 15:
Just as bad as I expected. Only an hour or so of JA's on 15. 
Of course no Europe.

Never got a good Eur run. Lots of JAs on.

Only stayed up one night due to newly acquired illness. :-(
(going on 6 months now)
For all you neurologists out there....can you imagine a contester with
Fibromyalgia?......any ideas on how to cope with this problem without sleep?
Or do I have to start working part time domestic contests like sprint and

80:  I finally worked europe on this band during a contest.

160: I finally worked somebody on this band that wasn't an XE2.
Very nice to work 3 JA's and ZD8Z here. I think my new quicky $15 dollar
antenna worked!
It took 30 minutes to put up, once I measured the wire. (A sloping vertical
is what happens
when your wire is 128 feet long but you drop it from the tower at 110

6 banders:  PJ9C and KH6BZF. I missed the ZD8Z opening on 10.

Embarrassing Mistake: 
It was Sunday afternoon, I was tired (Look up Fibromyalgia to find out
I found a huge pile-up on the S92 on 15 and called several times. 
I had given up on trying to make a million pts. , so I thought it was a good

time to start playing with the second rcvr in Rich's new FT1000MP to get 
an idea what 2 radio contesting might be like. 
I would call the S92 every once in awhile and continual tuning with the
other knob for mults.
A while later I came back to the S92 and called again. 
Hmm sounds like only 3 or 4 calling him now maybe I have a chance...
So I called again this time real aggressive.  
Hmm ... now he is signing something else after his callsign....
I didnt quite get it. So I call again.....And went  back to the second 
rcvr looking for more mults when he doesnt answer. 
A few minutes of this goes by and all of a sudden I get woken from my stupor

by the following message: 

So I then move up, and I hear the huge pile again. 
I throw in my call once.... and him.  
Thought to myself.....boy I bet that other guy is really pissed now!

Guess I should say Im sorry and thankyou at the same time......

Tim - NU6S

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