[3830] ARRL CW EI6BT 160m

John Barry EI7DNB jbarry at curia.ucc.ie
Thu Feb 20 20:42:32 EST 1997

For a variety of reasons, our efforts to get the EI7M station back on
air for the ARRL CW didn't work out, so Jerry EI6BT decided to
operate 160m.

Conditions were very good the first night, not as good the second
night, but 47 states is our best haul ever on 160m. The antenna
was a dipole at 70ft, and a 1000ft beverage. We would very much like
to get signal reports from anyone who worked us.

Jim EI3DP while listening on the bands noted that on Sunday
the signals which opened the band were K1RX,K1NG,K1KI, 
N2RM on 160m, W1VE, W3LPL, W1UK on 80mtrs and K1ZM, K1KI, 
K1RX on 40mtrs 

      Call: EI6BT                    Country:
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single Operator


      160      435     1305          47


     Totals    435     1305          47  =   61,335

We hope to be back on all bands for the SSB section

Best 73's 


QSL to 
Jerry Cahill EI6BT
Broomfield East
Co. Cork
Rep. of Ireland

or via buro

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