[3830] N9VVV-CQ160 SSB SO/LP

ray ritchie icq4dx at starnetinc.com
Tue Feb 25 06:14:11 EST 1997

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

                        CQ 160 METER CONTEST           1997

      Call: N9VVV                    Country:  United States
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Single Operator Low Power

               QSO   QSO PTS  STATES COUNTRIES            HOURS

     Totals    515    1139      54       7    =   69,479   18

All reports sent were 59 IL, unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:Yaesu FT-990 w/100 watts	
                      Inv-L up 35'
                      Carolina Windom up 35'
                      no rx antenna(ouch!!)

Club Affiliation: Society of Midwest Contesters

Comments:I stayed home this weekend and did this one from the 
N9VVV "sqirt gun" station.Friday night was pretty noisy here without a
rx antenna.We had almost 4" of rain which turned into snow before the
contest.Lots of +40db static crashes.It was hard to find a place to
"walk" with all the activity.(I rarely get to "run" anything from my QTH).
It is hard to make any elbow room or defend a frequency running LP.I got
pinched off my freq countless times.I ended up drinking lots of beer
and horse racing w/KF9YT comparing my antennas with the dipole @ 100'
that I built and put up for him.I lost as usual.Saturday night the XYL 
was working so I had to watch the harmonics.We all laid down on the
couch to watch the movie and proceeded to fall asleep.I got up and put
the kids in bed at 5:30z.Major screw up!!!Saturday night had less static
so it was better from here.I CQ'd alot and did alot of S&P on the second
VFO.That doesn't say alot for my rate!Stayed on begging for Q's till
15:30z.My goal was 500 Q's so I was real happy when I made that.It was
fun!Congrats to WB9Z on the QSO record.Thanks to all who called and 
sorry to all who called but I couldn't hear.Good Luck to all next weeekend!
I'll be here at the "squirt gun" station for 48 hrs. of search and pounce.
Too many family things happening.Do you want a real challenge? Try doing
a DX contest with a low tribander,low wires for the low bands with low 
power at the low point of the cycle  in the "Black Hole" while watching
your kids.Just ragging!
                        73 de,
                             N9VVV-Ray Ritchie

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature _________________________________


               Ray  N9VVV

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com
Sponsored by:             N4VJ / K4AAA, KM3T, N5KO & AD1C

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