Bill Straw 0007359114 at mcimail.com
Sat Jan 11 14:24:00 EST 1997


Q     M
0  X  0  =  0

  I went to Valley City, ND last week for a Mon-Fri business
trip. Just 250 miles from home, I could be back for the NAQP.
Rumors of a storm started on Wednesday, when I woke up on
Thursday the Interstate was closed ( the only way in or out
of Valley City ). There are big gates on all the Interstate
ramps in ND, and it sure gives you a sinking feeling to see
them padlocked shut.
  The local hams are shack-on-a-belt types, so no chance of
getting invited anyplace to operate!! What I really need is
a remote home station (K7SS). Anyway, the Interstate should
be open by Sunday noon, so I can drive home in the -85F wind

73 BILL WB0O    Still in North Dakota (couldn't leave even if
                                       I wanted to)

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