K4AAA (N4VJ op) NAQP CW Single Op

Bill Fisher, N4VJ / K4AAA n4vj at contesting.com
Sun Jan 12 10:14:57 EST 1997


160     123     37
80      248     49
40      315     51
20      218     54
15      125     41
10       44     24

Tot    1073    256 = 274,688

Absolutely the best conditions I have ever seen for an NAQP in any month.
Rate meter stayed above 150 for the peak hours on 40 and 80 meters.  I was
not expecting this at all.  Every night this week on my way home from work
(2300z) I would get on 40M CW and only hear DX and Michigan stations.  I got
to 40M early expecting it to go long at sunset and it never happened.  Thank

Two best moves... W1KRV moved for all bands to knock out VT.  WD0T missing
on 3 bands when he calls in on 80M.  We work on 160 and 40 but miss on 15.
Too late.

Dodged a bullet this week with the ice.  The local repeater tower fell on
Friday when the winds came and the ice hadn't melted off the tower.  The guy
anchors were pulled out of the ground and the tower fell.  They measured 3"
radial ice on the coax going up the tower.  Nothing but a few VHF/UHF
antennas on the tower.  

Every trip to the station usually means something else broken.  This trip:

1. FT1000MP chirpy at full power.
2. 2mtr rig wont respond to input.
3. Top 204BA turned in the rotor.
4. NE beverage must be down.  Sigs weak on it.

Happy the list doesn't include a bunch of ice damage.



Bill Fisher, N4VJ & K4AAA (EX KM9P)

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