97 NAQP CW Score

Ken Meier AA8AV at Concentric.net
Sun Jan 12 14:51:54 EST 1997

97 NAQP CW Score	

Call:	W8MJ
Cat:	S/O A/B

Band	QSO's	Mults

160	132	42
 80	180	42
 40	195	42
 20	121	33
 15 	 49	16
 10	 21	11

Total  698  X  186 = 129,828

Missed first two hours of contest....that cost me the mult count on HF
bands.  Didn't really make the transition like I should of trying to get
mults missed from late startup.  Had a great time anyway....conditions
were very good, espcially on the low bands.  Quarter wave vertical on 80
meters worked real well....never did use the dipole.  Had a KL7 and NP3
call me....which makes me feel antenna was working good.  Always enjoy
getting on 160.  The shunt tower was working well and beverages helped
with the static conditions.  A fun contest for 10 hours.  Some fantastic 
scores already turned in.....great job by K4AAA.  Will try to get on
next week for Phone.  Until the next one..............


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