Hoeft, Roger V rvhoeft at ingr.com
Mon Jan 13 07:49:49 EST 1997

Exchanged Information: KA9EKJ, ROD AL    
     Hours of Operation: 09:52
     band      QSOs     points    mults
     160         13        13       11
      80         71        71       35
      40         92        92       34
      20         34        34       22
      15          6         6        5
      10          1         1        1
     TOTAL      217       217      108      SCORE: 23,436
     Club or Team Name:                             

Stchuff:  TS830S
             40M Delta Loop, 350ft. Horizontal loop, 80M dipole, 160
inverted L, HF6V

Soap:  In last January's event I had 4 Q's with a straight key; August
was 60 with borrowed paddles.  My minimum goal this time with a keyer
was 200 and 250 would make me ecstatic.  I'm happy with my results -
even had a best 'last ten' of 47 and a few in the 40s.  I'm not running
with the big dawgs yet, but I can see where they're going.  A couple
more years of practice, patience and perseverance and I will be there.
Hey, 5 years ago BC (before contesting) I never thought I would want to
get into CW.  Many thanks to the responses to QRS  -- still got to work
on that 'tin' CW ear.

Twilight zone:  Being a flat-lander from Illinois, I was really in my
element wearing my insulated coveralls and jacket walking in the snow in
sub-freezing temperatures running radials for the inverted L -- BUT --
this is Alabama!!!  I guess this explains why it took me 4.5 hours to
drive 21 miles home from work Friday night.

Y'know - I'm beginning to LIKE this CW stuff.

Roger Hoeft
rvhoeft at ingr.com

Amateur Radio is a contact sport

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