ANDREW H LEWIS kt4ld at juno.com
Sun Jan 19 15:57:14 EST 1997

                                  NAQP SSB CONTEST-1997

Call: K4HQ/QRP                                 State:NC
Category: SO QRP                            Hours Operated: 7
Name:Andrew                                   Team/Club Competiton:
Alabama Team #2

BAND                 QSO               MULT

10M                    3                      1

15M                    34                   18                    

20M                    86                   42

40M                    94                   33

80M                   102                 35
Totals               319                 129

Total Score= 41,151

Rig: Ten Tec Argonaut 509 QRP rig
Antennas: Triband Yagi at 50 Feet and a Carolina WIndham

I may have a new QTH to operate from! I started a School club when I was
in Middle School about 3 years ago and it's only 2 miles from my house so
I operated from there. This was probably one of my all time favorite
contest although you wouldn't know it from my score this year. I missed
the first HOUR AND A HALF because I was putting up my first ever outdoor
antenna at home. Then I went to the school and operated missing another 3
and half hours due to dinner and having to go home at 05:00Z (12 PM our
time). I also spent almost 2 hours trying to work VK0IR and I was
successful and I was able to get the guys name to put into the contest
log and I gave him mine. I still had to paper log this contest. I was
surprised at how many people couldn't understand the name ANDREW except
for those on the internet of course. Nice hearing K5TR, KF9YT, and K6LL
on all bands. Sorry I don't have an antenna for 160 otherwise I would
have done much better.

Strangest and funniest names: Dirty, Ugly, Cajun, Reno (in Nevada),
Sharp, Thad,, Liberty, and Barn. The PIG FARMERS, in one word, Ughh! They
really got me on 80 meters after 40 became totally unuseable due to BC
All in all I had lots of fun. See ya next year.

K4HQ                16 YEARS  OLD       EX KT4LD        ANDREW LEWIS

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com
Sponsored by:             Akorn Access, Inc & N4VJ / K4AAA

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