CQ 160 CW 97 Scores I

Jimmy R. Floyd floydjr at interpath.com
Mon Jan 27 11:29:30 EST 1997

Raw Scores

Compiled by WA4ZXA
<floydjr at interpath.com)

Date Posted 01/27/97

CALL             HRS         SCORE       Q'S       PTS    ST/VE    DX


K3WWP              8          6,300      117       252          25
KD1IA              7          1,768       74       168      73      1


GM3YOR            20        742,176      988      6872      47     61
G0IVZ             22        508,434      812      5034      43     58
VE9AA             24        455,712      784      4512      54     47
LA9GX             10        166,026      458      2478       9     58
PA3DMH             9         67,536      222      1206       8     48

AA8U                        254,600      815      2546      56     44
KM3T              22        243,360      702      2535      54     42 
K3JT              14        123,570      459                55     35
N5UL              21         87,975      463                54     21
K2ONP                        59,283      281       941      43     20
N5LZ              10         51,430      223       695      49     25
K7OX              11         32,648      238       583      45     11


K2KQ              27         81,326      419      1099      49     25
AB1U              12         80,676      314       996      49     32
KJ9C              12         48,739      339       799      49     12
K9WIE              8         45,506      305       746      51     10
WO4O               9         21,887      237       509      40      3
WA7UQV                        8,052      102                    33
W0MU                            705       22                15      0


LY2ZZ (LY2BTA)              506,979      856                32     67
JH9VSF/9                        438       16                 3      3

W0CED                       297,648      930      2862      57     47
N0NI                        249,504      957                    96
NQ4I              26        241,800      820      2418      57     43
AA4V                        201,500      710                57     43
K9BG              18        175,400      560                57     40
AA3B                        143,376      627      1648      55     32
K4OJ                        139,026      501                    94 


AB5SE             17         51,420      383       857      53      7
KK5GT             11         24,429      208       479      47      4

Multi Opertor List

K40J          N0AX,WC4E,W1CW,W1YL
AA4V          AA4V,N4SF
N0NI          N0NI,N0AC,W0FLS
NQ4I          NQ4I,K4BAI,K2UFT


NO ATTACHEMENTS !!!! I will not post attached scores.

Do not post any scores to the Contest Reflector, only to me direct or to 
the 3830 reflector. 

These are NOT OFFICIAL SCORES so do not send me logs or anything like a 
log. I am on affilated with the CQ Mag or the contest committee.

Remember if I get any scores with only Single Op or no class on it I will
put you in Single Op High Power.

I realize there is not such class as MultiOP/LP. It is only for the guys
who want to see how they placed against each other.

73  Jim

           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at interpath.com << *

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com
Sponsored by:             Akorn Access, Inc & N4VJ / K4AAA

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