[3830] K8MR FD Score

Jim Stahl k8mr at barf80.nshore.org
Tue Jul 8 23:43:26 EDT 1997

                       1997 ARRL FIELD DAY
     Call used: K8MR                       Location: OH
     Category:  1A              Power: 100W
     band   CW QSOs     CW pts   SSB QSOs    SSB pts
     160          0          0          0          0
      80        334       1336        251        502
      40        403       1612        301        602
      20        142        568         76        152
      15         14         56          0          0
      10          0          0          0          0
      50          3         12         47         94
     144          7         28         66        132
     PACKET       2          8          0          0
     TOTAL      905       3620        741       1482
     5,102 points
     Bonuses:   100% generator, FD Message, SCM Message, Packet,  
                VHF, PR, Public Location  (700 Points)
     Total:   5,802 points
     Comments:  Regular Ops KU8E and K8LR(NZ4K) couldn't make it
this year, so it was mostly W8AV and K8MR against the world, with
setup help from W8AJ and K8RM.  This left us always feeling
behind as to set up of packet, VHF CW, 432/440 MHz, etc, and
without anyone who knew satellites.
     Ionospheric conditions seemed down from normal, although 
QRN levels were down even more so the net result was fair
conditions.  Best FD weather wise in five years.  We could still 
sure use another 30 points of solar flux to make the bands work
     We still did the 27 hours with setup starting at 2 pm
Saturday, but this may have been the last year. After 1900 or so
on Sunday things were very slow.  At about 2030Z, with the 
40 SSB rate timer at 28/hour, we finally hung it up out of 
boredom and reports of storms approaching the area.  Next 
year we'll likely set up Saturday morning, and have all 
the bell and whistle rigs ready to go at 1800Z.
Jim   K8MR       k8mr at barf80.nshore.org

Jim Stahl
InterNet: k8mr at barf80.nshore.org
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency, BARF-80 +1 216/237-8208
"Totally devoted to Amateur Radio" - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 14.4k-300 baud

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