[3830] K6AW IARU S/O HP CW Only
Stephen Merchant
merchant at silcom.com
Mon Jul 14 21:31:04 EDT 1997
K6AW operating from N6RO
Category : S/O HP CW Only Section: East Bay
Default Exchange : 599 6
Team/Club : NCCC
BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points Mults Zones
160CW 14 14 32 2 6
80CW 76 75 255 6 14
40CW 259 259 983 11 23
20CW 698 698 2716 16 36
15CW 35 35 115 4 13
Totals 1082 1081 4101 39 92
Final Score = 537231 points.
Hardware: 160 Dipole @ 120'
80 2 el Quad Eu/ZL, 4 el Yagi JA @ 100'
40 4/4 135/65'
20 5/5 130/50'
15 6/6/6 135/90/45'
10 6/5/5 100/67/33'
Left Ear: FT1000MP, Alpha 76PA
Right Ear: FT990, Alpha 76PA
S/W: TR v6.01 -- somehow I came without the latest release, but no
problemo --
the two radio stuff has been there for eons and works flawlessly.
Whining: This is my favorite single-op contest. For some reason, I chose
to also make it my one-and-only single op-2 radio event of the year. This
was not terribly clever of me. Also, the station re-engineering project
has not gotten around to providing for serious single-multi operating yet,
so I lost a fair amount of time during band changes. It didn't help I had
forgotten to bring the Dunestar auto-switching bandpass filters -- I had to
manually change the W3NQN's and the five and ten pound stubs. But the
biggest problem was line noise. Ken had muttered something about noise and
his problems during the RAC 'test. Well, we had noise big time on
Saturday. I couldn't really do much from around 17z until 00z except work
the very loudest guys on 20m. Sorry for any alligatorish behavior.
Apologies also to the kind ops who put up with my narcoleptic operating
style during the last three hours of the contest. (Where is that
"dead-man's switch" when we need it?)
High Points: No radio problems, nothing very weird from the s/w, all the
rotors kept working. I actually worked some EU on 15m on Saturday morning
before the noise came on. And I only had two stations call me N6AW... :-}
This is a really nice contest with something for everyone. I concur
completely with K3ZO about the HQ stations -- I was very happy for them to
be there -- last year I only worked 16 of them, this year I worked 39.
Last year may be a total anomaly because of WRTC, but in spite of 280 fewer
Q's this year, my score was 9% higher than '96 because of more mults and HQ
stns this year.
Congrats to N2IC, W7GG and NM5M (I wondered why you were so loud just
before the contest started, Eric.) Thanks everyone for the Q's, see you in
the NAQP's and probably CQWW RTTY from somewhere off the beaten path.
Special thanks to N6RO and Mrs. N6RO for the use of the station and their
continued warm hospitality.
73, Steve K6AW
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