[3830] N8YYS IARU Claimed Score

Roy S Maull n8yys at juno.com
Tue Jul 15 15:02:41 EDT 1997

                               IARU SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 12-Jul-97, 13-Jul-97

    Callsign Used : N8YYS
         Operator : N8YYS

         Category : SO/LP/AM

 Default Exchange : 59(9) 08

             Name : Roy S. Maull
          Address : 151 Old River Road
   City/State/Zip : Williamstown, WV 26187
          Country : United States

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   HQ's    Zones

   80CW        6           6         10       1         2
   80SSB       1           1          1       0         0
   40CW       53          52        118       4        12
   40SSB       4           4          4       3         0
   20CW      121         121        450      10        17
   20SSB      62          62        224       7         2
   15CW        6           6         14       0         3
   15SSB       2           2          2       0         0
   10CW        1           1          1       0         1
   10SSB       1           1          1       0         0

 Totals      257         256        825      25        37

    Final Score = 51150 points.

  Rig: TS850S
  Ants: Tri-bander @50ft 20/15/10
        G5RV @45ft 80/40
  This was my first IARU, and I found it entirely enjoyable.  I got off
a rather rough start.  The computer would not boot, and finally found one
of the memories had come loose.  Things were going good, but found that
radio control interface was a battery eater, and had to rewire to get 12V
from the big p/s.  I had planned to work all 24 hours, but the body and 
mind gave out at 0300L, and a 3 hr nap got me going again. 
  It was nice to see that I had worked more foriegn zones than domestic.
And even managed to get 3 HQ stations split on 40.  The fun was entirely 
due to the friendliness of all the stations worked, and a special thanks
those that worked so hard to pull my sometimes weak signals out of the
to make the Q.  40 and 80 were quite noisy here, but that only helps to
learn how to work what for me is a new radio:-)
  I'll definitely work this one again next year, and we will see if more
sunspots can make any kind of difference in the score.  

73... Roy Maull
n8yys at juno.com

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