[3830] OH0MDR/1 IOTA Contest score and story

Klimoff Timo timo.klimoff at ktm.vn.fi
Mon Jul 28 14:03:27 EDT 1997


QTH:            Sandstrom Reef IOTA EU-096

Operators:      Timo Pohjola, OH1MDR/OH0MDR
                Timo Klimoff, OH1NOA/OH0NOA

Station 1:      Kenwood TS-450S
                AL-82 (800w out)
                MFJ voice keyer
                RFE memory keyer
Station 2:      Icom IC-735 (barefoot)
                Logikey K1

Antennas:       *Butternut HF6 ("south location" for Europe)
                *Cushcraft AP8 ("north location" for USA/Japan)
                 both standing about 1 meter from the sea
                 (radials thrown into the salty water)
                *80m SSB dipole up 10 mtrs

Wx:             thunderstorms, rain showers and sunshine mixed, +25c

Log:            paper log !(will use EI5DI post-contest)

Bruttoqsos:     2742
                (OI1MDR/p: 2712 netto last year) 

Mults:          about 315 (estimated)

Score:          6.5 M pts (estimated)
                (5.7 M in 1996, world high)

Bands:          80m - QRN (thunderstorms) + no DX worked, heard VE1 and KP4
                40m - only 2 US stations worked (KA1DWX and K1HT) 
                      (some 50 US qs in 1996) 
                      worked YB and 2 VKs plus lots of South Americans, MDR run
                      three ZPs in a row!
                20m - normal khaos...NOA run the 1st hour (190 qsos) and the    
                      last hour (156 qsos) on 20m SSB. AP8 had an excellent     
                      take-off to USA...
                      we worked even 5 KL7s and 2 KH6s !
                15m - opened on Sunday morning...some JAs, heard BO0M and two   
                      YBs and
                      NOA tried very hard to work K3ZO - no luck. 
                      A real BOMB was two W0s!!!
                      (only US stations worked...)
                10m - only a brief opening to DL/G on Sunday morning...when this 
                      band really opens, we can expect 3000 qsos! 

                      OH2JA/p and GI7J (what happened to 9H0A and CQ2I this 
                      year ?)

I hope to see some comments from the other IOTA contesters as well!

"Sandstrom Reef PileUP! Association" ;-)
                Timo Klimoff 

Email:          timo.klimoff at ktm.vn.fi     
or              oh1noa at qsl.net
WWW-homepage:   www.qsl.net/oh1noa

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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