[3830] GW0GEI Single Op 12 Hours Sect BERU 97

Steve Jones steve at rjtrain.demon.co.uk
Tue Mar 11 18:07:59 EST 1997

       HF Contest Summary Sheet

Callsign:  GW0GEI                     Total Claimed Score  1,885 (12hrs)

Contest Commonwealth (BERU)    Date 8/9 March 1997

Mode:    CW            Single/Multi Op:  Single OP    Section: 12 Hours

Group Name: Westnet/GB7ADX CSG

Location   Llangefni, Ynys Mon (Isle of Anglesey) IOTA EU124

Contest Exchange (e.g. County Code) : RST/ QSO#

Band           80m     40m     20m     15m     10m    Total

Valid QSOs       7      39       37       9      1       93

QSO Points      35     195      185      45      5      465

Bonus/Mult.      7      24       30       9      1       71

TX/RX      TS 850sat, Heil HC5, TL922

Power o/p  400w

Antennas   10/15/20: 2 ele Gem Quad @ 10m. 40/80m - Butternut HF2V

Operators  Steve GW0GEI

I was just going to have a few hours in this contest for cw practice.
Then I decided to try and get enough call areas to qualify for a
certficate. I had family committments on Saturday and only managed to
snatch a handful of contacts. On Saturday night, after a few hours, I
decided that I might enter the 12 hour limited section. At 0130z I
decided to stop and watch the Grand Prix. The remaining of the 12 hours
was spent on Sunday morning, with a one hour break for a late breakfast.
This is my first year at hf/lf contesting and I am trying out most
contests to try to find my preferences. I was still trying to work out
how to set up the computor log on this contest on Saturday night! I
ended up editing the log file after the contest to add the 20 point
bonus to the second and third stations worked in each call area on
each band. Another CW contest under my belt, after my first go in the
second slow speed culmatives last year - definately a good primer and I
think my cw has improved markedly!  I think I will be doing the 24 hour
section next year as I thoroughly enjoyed working some good dx on
several bands. I worked 31 different call areas plus GB5CC, VA3RAC, and

According to my calculations I qualify for the Silver Award Certificate,
having worked:
52 Call Areas (1 on 10m, 9 on 15m, 21 on 20m, 15 on 40m, and 6 on 80m).

Times of operating:
1220-1240,1600-1615,1800-0130,0745-0855, 0955-1200
20mins    15 mins  7hr30mins 1hr10mins 2hrs5mins =TOTAL of 11 hrs 20mins
Minimum of 1 hour break between sessions was observed.
I lost 40 mins due to not getting up and on the band by 0705z!! - Better
time management next time - although nothing was planned in this

73 Steve
Steve Jones
Ynys Mon / Island of Anglesey
Gogledd Cymru / North Wales
UK 6M Group Member 295

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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Sponsored by:             N4VJ / K4AAA, KM3T, N5KO & AD1C

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