[3830] 9H0A (9H1EL) BARTG SOAB score

Jeff Morris 9h1el at mail.global.net.mt
Sat Mar 22 09:26:56 EST 1997

Entry Class: Single Operator, All Band (30-hr Operation)

Band    QSO     Pts    Mult    

  80          88         88       37
  40        167       167       52
  20        509       509       82
  15          73          73       45
  10             5            5         5

TOTALS: QSOs: 842, Points = 842, Mults = 221
                     Continents = 6

                  Final score 842 x 221 x 6 = 1,116,492 Points

Conditions were strange throughout the contest. I never got propagation to 
western EU on 15, normally an essential requirement for winning, as it yields high 
QSO totals. This time a multiplier search and pounce technique had to be used.
On Sunday morning, we had good propagation on 10m (!) to the far east, as I 
could hear illegal CB operators "singing", characteristic of asian CB-ers on 10m. 
Similar thing in the afternoon hearing Brazilian CB locals, all at S9. All the 5 mults 
worked on 10 had to be enticed from 15. For those interested, mults on 10 were 
7Q7, 5X4, LU, PY, CX. If only more had confidence in the band!

QSL Info: via LA2TO

See you all in WPX Phone single band 15, where I hope the condx will be 
different! Thanks to all who worked me.

Best 73


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