[3830] Texas QSO Party N5RZ/M

Ralph Bowen rbowen at iglobal.net
Mon May 5 20:48:51 EDT 1997

Texas QSO Party  -  N5RZ/M   Single Op

Still have to clean up the logs & count mults, but the preliminary results
are about 890 QSO's, all on 20M CW.  Single Op Mobile.  Made 36 Counties in
a swath from Midland to Victoria & back.  Very few Texans worked  -  condx
really stunk -  only worked DL4RX in a few counties & only about 3 or 4
other EU's worked.

Original plans called to go to Corpus Christi & activate 47 counties, but
traffic was really bad in the San Antonio area;  a couple of wrong turns
messed things up and it wasn't quite as easy to cover as the Panhandle
counties.  Much more scenic though. 

What better way to break in a new pickup (4WD Toyota T100 - Great ride!!) -
started with 810 Miles & got home with 1900.   I got my new  IC706 about a
week ago - love it!  I also added a ANC-4 noise canceller which sure kept
the ignition noise out.  A Hamstick clone & tri - magmount rounded things
out.  Had to reduce the power to about 70W to get rid of a "crackling" noise
in the steering column area while transmitting -  didn't want to sizzle

Of course, a big thanks to Sue, my XYL who made the drive.  A few trade-offs
for that, of course. Since she can't read while in motion, I had to navigate
& operate - a tough chore at times  -  especially when making mid-route
changes.  One wrong turn can really screw things up.  Also, part of the deal
was that she would be guaranteed an EXCELLENT meal Saturday nite at a decent
hour.  The Corral in Victoria has some great fried catfish & helped me keep
that end of the bargain.  The beautiful WX, wildflowers & scenery kept her
interest up too.  However, we had our share of asshole drivers  -  much
worse than on other runs  -  are South Texans really that poor at driving???

When I got home, I realized we missed Karnes county just SE of San Antonio
-  another casualty of mid-course revision.  

Anyway, lots of fun and a load of thanks to all those who followed me
around.  I had many from 20 or more counties.

See ya'll next year  -  I may be looking for a driver though.

73 & Thanks to all,

Gator  N5RZ/M

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