[3830] WPX SSB - Canadian claimed scores

ve2zp at bbs.ve3jf.ampr.org ve2zp at bbs.ve3jf.ampr.org
Fri May 30 03:41:49 EDT 1997

CQ WPX CW 1997
Canadian Claimed Scores
Call   Cat          QSOs         Mul          Score
VE3EJ  160m            2
       80m           121
       40m           776
       20m          1220
       15m           518
       10m            18
       A            2655         745      6,863,685     *
VY1JA  A             265         187        126,038
VA3NR  AL            696         321        764,943
VE3STT AL-ts         229          69        124,200
VO1MP  AL            200         145         74,820
VE7CQK AQ             77          55         12,485
VE3HX  28             56          35          4,340
VE3KZ  21L           327         239        195,024
VE7SZ  14           1888         703      3,340,000     *
(VE7NTT op)
VA7A   14           1539         623      2,441,537
(VE7XR op)
VE7AV  14           1163         524      1,577,000
VE5MX  14            531         303        382,689
VE7SBO 14Q           506         358        466,474
XM7A   7L           1105         399      2,141,034     *
(VE7SV op)
VE7CC  3.5
VE7ZZZ 160m            1
       80m            52
       40m           451
       20m          1392
       15m            99
       MS           1995         706      4,426,620
VE6JY  40m           506

       20m           987
       15m           125
       MS           1618         599      2,997,397
A=Single op all bands
L=Low power (<100w)
Q=QRP (<5w)
ts=Tribander and single element LF antenna
28=Single op single band (MHz)
MS=Multi op, single tx
* Scores exceeding current Canadian records

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